The 5 Ps of Progress

I’ve always been motivated by progress and success. Inaction has never been easy for me, as I have to sit there and try not to do anything. That’s a blessing and a curse at the same time.

Few of us have mastered the art of balance between movement and stillness, between productivity and work. It is a thin line that some of the most talented of us can sometimes slip into, and that’s understandable. I am a Human, and that is OK.

With practice, I discovered that maintaining a balance in life’s affairs and advancing in any project I set out to complete required specific essential components, which I constantly assess to see how I am doing and where I stand on the drive spectrum.

I’ve recently had the good fortune to learn that these five fundamental components are the 5 Ps for any strategy you want to advance and follow.


Each of those elements is a basic formula for any activity you want to do in your life, whether you wish to start a business, lose weight, get married, start a new career, or pursue your dreams. Whatever you have in mind, you want to accomplish, create, or do, I would love you to keep those 5Ps with you as they have helped me understand where I am and what I want and need to move to forward.

Now let me break it down to you in order of importance, you could view this as a checklist and as a reminder, and you can also evaluate it from 1 to 10 if you like to focus on each element.

Passion is the tingling feeling in your stomach before a meeting or that dizziness you have after tackling a significant accomplishment. It’s the red knight of furry, the lion that has woken up hungry to a field of opportunities. You can’t believe it’s done.

Passion is an energy source with an infinite supply and can present itself in many ways, way more than what I have just described. Passion for each of us could look different and feel differently; nonetheless, the outcome is the same relative to each one’s goals.

Looking at passion aids you in finding your WHY and might sometimes cloud your judgment. You have to watch out for the tip in your balance and always lean into it, for passion is not a lady that enjoys a mistress in your life; passion demands your attention, care, and dedication.

In return, it provides all the abundance of energy you need to keep on going.

Fan the fire of your passion or put it out; the choice is yours.

If you score anything less than 4 out of 10, then let go of that pursuit and only come back to it when you have pushed through that ceiling. I learned that if your passion is not a burning desire, you better not pursue whatever comes to your mind. Merely enjoy the idea, as that’s all it is, and I wouldn’t suggest that you act on it but observe yourself and the idea and see where it came from; it might be a new opportunity on the far horizon or a whim of interest that came from a close environment. Either way, it ain’t enough for you to get started and place energy into that project; it will be a waste of time. I would instead work on something that burns deep with me, a fire that can create a sustainable movement.

Suppose you score five and above; that means we are on to something, and you must know how your passion will fuel your energy. In that case, you have to dream, think, contemplate and wonder what it would look like at the end, clarify your results, watch how your fire grows, and witness how your mind will start working on things you never even thought were possible. Now that you’re seeing them in front of your eyes, you will realize how empowered you feel, how driven you will get, and how your whole thoughts and dreams tell a story of outstanding achievements that were once just a dream.

For action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. At the same time, the world is not a fair place in the eyes of many, and demanding fairness in an unfair world will drain your energy; the world is in perfect balance, and that is what we strive to achieve in our lives when we set out to accomplish our dreams.

“Starting Globmobi is a Dream come true. It is an accomplishment that I had been blessed to receive after the result of a passion I had nurtured over time to grow beyond the mark, and I made sure to move on when it did. I can recall where I was when I bought my logo and decided it would be a Logo I wanted to put on top of the building one day. “This is the logo that will become a beacon for many to come, way after we are gone,” Saying to myself as I pressed the Add to Cart Button.

That was not possible before it came to be because I believe the passion was not there yet; it was only an idea, and the passion wasn’t the idea; the passion was the fuel, and my fuel came from a burning desire to succeed at developing an environment where we are inspired to become the best we can be and strive to our limits and break through them.

Once your passion is under control, your motivation is clear, and all that good stuff has been considered, visualized, and felt in your heart, you start working.

You jump into the unknown abyss and let your passion guide your progress.

Now comes action. As we said, every action has an opposite and equal reaction.

Initially, you want the friction that lights up the world of possibilities; then comes the practice.

Practice is the work you have to do to enable your movement and growth. Practice is all the lessons you have to learn.

Practice is the mistakes you have to make to correct them and learn from them. It is the idea you have to move on. It is the books your read, the lectures you attend, the material you let into your mind, the people you listen to, the diet that you eat, the music you listen to, the exercise that you do, the discipline you create, the new habits you develop, the mindset that you grow, and the sacrifices you make. I could go on for another page on the things that fall under practice, but I believe you have an idea of what practice is, and if you don’t, I am pretty sure that almost 95% of us, if not more, can figure out what is the needed practice that they have to undergo to reach their next destination.

Practice makes perfect, that is true, but you also need to accept that it might not, and you also have to admit that it would be hard; it might be daunting, bone-breaking, humbling slow-moving. Simply because going from practice to perfect takes time, effort, and much belief.

That brings us to the next P. Patience. I can’t tell you how vital this P is.

Patience is a master Key that, if Wielded well, will open many possibilities for you and those around you.

Patience during your pursuit is also the glue that holds it all. Patience, in its essence, is part belief, part persistence, part meditation, and a lot more, I am sure.

Patience is not one of my virtues, to be honest with you, and I can understand what it means not to have the Patience muscle pumped and strong, and I can understand what it means to rush things out of anxiety, and I can relate to the burn. But what I learned is that it pays to be patient.

You read it right! Patience is a muscle, we all have them, but some have weaker ones than others, and that could be for many reasons, and the only person that would honestly know that reason would be ourselves. The Good news is: You can practice having stronger patient muscles.

There is a ton of material to assist you online.

What areas would we need to practice patience that is important to us? Well, let’s see.

•We must practice being patient with ourselves first and foremost; you must learn to be patient with yourself as it will strengthen your self-worth, self-love, confidence, and self-image.

•We must be patient with our family, close ones, friends, lovers, partners, and fellow team members. It will help you listen and understand what is going on and guide you to better relations, stronger ties, better understanding, decreased conflict, and most of all, it will harbor love and compassion.

•It would help if you learned how to be patient in your pursuit of perfection and understand that it will take time to get it right or win the deal, create a culture or build an empire or reach out to as many people as possible. We have to be patient with our business and allow the results it will generate to come to fruition, knowing that our great results have to be in proportion with the number of people we serve, which will take time to grow. You must acquire the patience to persevere via learning and practicing.

•Lastly, I believe We have to be patient in times of conflict; not everything requires an immediate reaction. You don’t need to be correct. You don’t have to impress others with your strength. You can be calm, patient, collected, and composed. It is not easy, and it won’t happen overnight, and for sure, we won’t be able to be so every time, but the more we can, the better it will be in the long run.

So let’s Practice Being Patient.

Perseverance by definition is: (as cited on Merriam Webster website –

•The continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition

•The action or condition or an instance of persevering

To Say perseverance is a Godly attribute for one to acquire, I would probably be underestimating the notion of perseverance or even its magnitude.

It is the one that Holds all the other Ps in a Safe Place; perseverance is the element that holds the space for your Passion, Practice, and Patience. It would require all those for that element to stay alive within us.

If I am to provide you with a clear correlation that will help you understand perseverance, imagine that it is the mother in the family. See with your mind’s eye how mothers Protect, hold close, harness, rejuvenate, teach, take care, stay up late, ensure all are accounted for, and a ton more elements that perseverance helps out with.

If all other aspects of your pursuit are in check, accounted for, and growing, your perseverance should be in good shape.

You also could practice persevering, pushing on moving forward, and making space working harder, and it could also mean staying still depending on what the situation calls for.

I believe perseverance has been my most vital characteristic, especially when I need it. There were days I didn’t want to get out of bed and days I cried myself to work.

Perseverance always came to the Rescue.

I could go on about perseverance for quite some time, and I would still not be able to share with you the full magnitude or potential of endurance because, in some prospects, it is a personal element that one has to acquire. It hasn’t been taught; it is practiced through the action of any part of one’s self; reaching for it depends on you and the grace of the All Mighty.

This brings me to the final P. Positivity.

Positivity is, in essence, the Faith, Belief, Knowing, Assurance, Proclamation, and but is not limited to Manifestation.

Positivity is What protects all of the others. Positivity is a choice in every essence of the way; it is a choice that we get to make and is valid for all of the above.

We get to have faith. We get to believe it will work. We get to know that it will pass. We get to have an assurance that it will be all OK. We get to proclaim our victory. We get to Manifest all that we want.

It’s our choice!

Positivity unlocks and protects simultaneously; it unlocks all your potential and protects you from all your challenges.

Positivity is radiant; it is abundant, everlasting, enduring, ecstatic, colorful, mesmerizing, alluring, enchanting, and flirty. It’s music, a breath of fresh air on a hot summer’s day, and much more.

We all have it in Us. We know where it lies. We all know where to get it. There is an abundance of it. Just because our upbringing and learning didn’t help us understand how to tap into it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

It is infinitely and abundantly available. I believe that life has been designed for us to win, with all that life has to offer, and it does offer a lot; it is pretty unfair, and that’s what makes it so interesting as well.

We all have to be optimistic about the outcome. It is essentially a rule in life. Literally and again, there is a ton of material around positivity. It is vital for the Law of Attraction; it is a key to all the possibilities you could imagine and one day create.

It is a birthplace; as such, you could grow, nourish, and protect our productivity by doing so many things.

For example, there are a lot, but those are what worked for me.

•Keep away from negative people

•Read positive, constructive material

•Move, exercise, jump, dance, whatever rocks your boat

•Associate with other positive people

•Mind your thoughts

•Meditate or pray

•Talk to a loved one

•Help someone out

In summary, I wanted to share my beliefs, struggles, triumphs, strengths, and shortcomings, and I get to celebrate them with you in the hope that you will be inspired and aided in the time you are reading this.

Welcome to where it Matters!